Regional Resources
Land For Good — Toolbox for Farm Seekers
US Dept of Ag — Cooperative Extension System
Top 10 Cities, by population size
New York City, NY
596 Acres, NYC, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Chicago, IL
Deep Roots Project, to help you grow incredible homegrown food
Houston, TX
Phoenix, AZ
Philadelphia, PA
San Antonio, TX
San Diego, CA
Dallas, TX
San Jose, CA
By state
Butte County Local Food Network
CropMobster, Nick Papadopoulos, 707.332.9209,
Fresh Food Connect | an organization in the Denver area that operates a tech platform to connect home gardeners and community gardens to local hunger-relief organizations in order to capture surplus garden crops and get them to people in need.
SE Iowa Food Hub, Barbara Stone, Exec Director,, 641.919.0307
Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association
New England
New Jersey
Center for Environmental Transformation
Northeast Organic Farming Association, NJ
New York
596 Acres, NYC, NY
North Carolina
Culinary Breeding Network, Oregon State University, Lane Selman, Director, @culinarybreedingnetwork, 503-528-6631
Seed distribution center — Please use all best practices before sending seeds in the mail. Wash your hands before touching anything you’ll be sending in the mail. Do not mail seeds if you’re feeling sick. Use regular cardboard if possible (the virus is supposed to survive 24 hours on paper, but 72 hours on plastic). We will be doing the packing at a different location, and plan to let boxes sit for a few days to be safe (they can pick it up in the mail even if they don’t pick it up from you). Please also send empty seed packets, misprints, baggies, etc., if you can spare them. Mail bulk seeds to: Coop Gardens, c/o Tim Siftar, 4621 Cedar Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143